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Elul 5783 leads us into High Holy Days 5784

Prepare for your Rosh HaShanah observance here: Rosh HaShanah 101

Prepare for your Yom Kippur observance here: Things you can't do on Yom Kippur

Sukkot comes five days after Yom Kippur: The Fall Harvest Celebration Week

Simkhat Torah, what a relief and a joy: Celebrating the Torah

Preparing your heart for the High Holy Days

Read a book:

This Is Real and You are Completely Unprepared, Alan Lew

Entering the High Holy Days, Reuven Hammer

Return: Daily Inspiration for the Days of Awe, Erica Brown

On Repentence and Repair: Danya Ruttenberg

How Can I Forgive You: The courage to forgive, the freedom not to, Janis Spring

Join a class:

is this the year you enroll in the Oregon Board of Rabbis' Introduction to Judaism class to deepen your understanding of the Jewish ommunity and your part in it? Learn more here: Intro To Judaism

Shir Tikvah offers Torah study, Talmud study, mini courses, and independent and hevruta opportunities. How will you stretch your spiritual comfort zone this year?

Selikhot September 9 7.30pm at the Commons only

On a Saturday night in the days approaching Rosh HaShanah, Jews everywhere gather to recall the prayers, poems and songs that mark the holy day period. This year join Rabbi Ariel in a thoughtful evening gathering as we prepare ourselves for the soul-accounting and community consolation of the high point of the Jewish spiritual year.

7.30pm to 9 at Shir Tikvah in the Commons - in person only  

* bring your makhzor (HHD prayerbook)

Link to register. 

Rosh Hashanah Tashlikh

Sellwood Waterfront Park, September 16 2pm in person only, all ages

We gather by the water on Rosh HaShanah afternoon to celebrate the New Year and do some introspection via the symbolic casting off of sin with breadcrumbs. 

*Rosh HaShanah Seder ritual

*Tashlikh Ritual

Sunday September 10 10am Sauvie Island Reverse Tashlikh

Shir Tikvah will be cleaning up the beaches on Sauvie Island. This is a very family friendly event. We will meet at the start of the public beaches on the Columbia River side of the Island at 10 o'clock and work for about two hours. We will have some supplies available. You should bring water bottles, gloves and grabbers if you have them. We will also have parking permits.

sign up to help clean up here: Reverse Tashlikh 

Yom Kippur Yoga with Rachel SternSeptember 25 1.30pm live streamed only

Once again this year you are invited to bring your spiritual journey into embodiment with the guidance of Rachel Stern. She brings the themes of the High Holy Days into bodily expression through a fusion of her deep knowledge of both Jewish theology and Hatha yoga.

On line only via Zoom, from your home or other remote location only.

Tune in at home for this 75 minute session on Yom Kippur day, 1.30-2.45pm

Link to join.

Yom Kippur day Rabbi's discussion 2pm

The Power of Words, video lecture by Eliezer Diamond

How does our speech affect us and others both for good and ill? How can changing our speech impact our character and our relationships with others?  Dr. Eliezer Diamond guides us in the study of both traditional sources and contemporary discussions as we consider how we answer these questions in our real, everyday lives. 

Rabbi Ariel will be using this video as a starting point for discussion on Yom Kippur. Watch the video in advance!

Sat, July 27 2024 21 Tammuz 5784