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Holidays and Festivals


Each holy day is unique.

At Shir Tikvah, we honor the traditions of our ancestors with 21st-century celebrations. Come join us as we harvest fruits on Sukkot, don costumes for a Megillah-reading, and dance with the Torah on Simkhat Torah. In the darkness of winter, we light our hannukiyot. With the coming spring, we remember our delivery from Egypt. And always, every autumn, we reflect on where we have fallen short and pledge to do better in the coming year.

Find more about each celebration on our calendar. Given evolving health conditions, we may or may not be able to accommodate visitors. 

Questions? Please contact our office.


November 26th
10AM - 3PM

Children's storytime with Heather Lafitte
at 11:00 AM

Our annual Hanukkah Pop Up Fair features gifts, treats and holiday swag for the whole family. This year, we'll offer a full array of candles, menorahs, dreidels and gelt, alongside art and handwork from more than a dozen vendors. We'll feature work by ORA: NW Jewish Artists, Luz Jewelry, Mudslinger's Pottery and more. Masks are highly encouraged!

This fundraiser benefits ongoing programs at Congregation Shir Tikvah. 

High Holy Days 5784

Preparing for the Days of Awe

Elul 5783

Social Justice Event for High Holy Days 5784

Reverse Tashlikh
Sept. 10

 All morning and evening services are at maximum capacity. Please email the office by 3 pm on Sept. 15 for the zoom links for Rosh HaShanah.

We will be reserving seating for 150 guests for Erev Rosh HaShanah, Rosh HaShanah morning services, Kol Nidre, and Yom Kippur morning services. We are opening up registration to members first, and then opening spots up to guests on Sept. 7.

Because of our limited numbers, we are asking members to sign up for only two of these four services.

Members: Contact Ruthie to let her know if you can't attend in person.

All other services are open to all, but do require advance reservations for guests. Here are the links for these:
Tashlikh and Rosh HaShanah Family Service
Second Day Rosh HaShanah Morning Service
Yom Kippur Family Service
Yom Kippur Minkha, Ne'ilah and Havdalah
Break the Fast


More information about Sukkot and Simkhat Torah will be forthcoming, but for now, save these dates:

Wednesday Sept 27: Sukkah Raising at Leikam Brewing

Friday Sept 29: Sukkah Raising and Picnic Dinner at Eastside Commons  Register here 

Sunday Oct 1: Sukkot Celebration (register here) and Annual Meeting (members only)

Saturday Oct 7: Simkhat Torah Celebration Register Here


Sat, July 27 2024 21 Tammuz 5784