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About Our Services

All of our prayer services are open to everyone, and we are currently operating in a hybrid format (with both in-person and online options for participating on Shabbat). We are a learning congregation: our prayer ritual immerses us in Hebrew phrases, Jewish rhythms, and ancient Near Eastern spirituality. Little by little, we learn our way into it as we participate. Whether you are newly exploring or looking for recognizable and accessible Jewish tradition, there will be depths to sound and variations to delight in.

To participate in person:

Shir Tikvah follows current guidance from the Oregon Health Authority regarding mask mandates and other aspects of social gatherings. Masks are currently optional (as of March 19, 2022), but highly recommended. You'll see most people wearing masks when not eating, drinking, or presenting. In addition:

- Vaccination and boosters required for all eligible individuals. 
- Please stay home if you are exhibiting signs of illness or unable to be vaccinated. 
- Health authorities recommend high-quality masks, equivalent to an N95. 
- Respect social distancing.

We all take seriously the mitzvah of pikuakh nefesh, or saving a life. Thank you for your diligence in ensuring the health of each and all of us through observing our safety protocols.

To participate online:

Members, you will find the Zoom links in the My Account section of this website.

Guests, you can register for links with our office. (Please email us by the close of business Thursday to make sure we can get back to you before Shabbat.)

Shabbat Morning - Saturday @ 10:30 am (hybrid)

Our Shabbat morning services take place every week at the Eastside Jewish Commons (2420 NE Sandy Blvd), immediately following Torah Study. Our services are firmly egalitarian, with people of all genders contributing to all parts of the service. Davvening at Shir Tikvah is joyous, participatory, and eclectic: our Shabbat observance draws on traditional liturgy with familiar tunes and brings in modern elements that reflect our 21st-century context. Most prayers and songs are in Hebrew, and our siddur includes transliteration. The atmosphere is welcoming and informal: kids come in and out; community members step up alongside our Rabbi to lead, chant Torah and Haftarah, and engage in discussion; and we endeavor together to create a meaningful and restful Shabbat.

We use our own Shir Tikvah Siddur, and we have guest copies available at the Commons. Click here if you would like to purchase a copy of your own. We are also making a digital copy available: download the PDF here for the 4th edition of the siddur.

After davvening, join us for kiddush: enjoy some grape juice or wine and challah and say hello.

Monday, Wednesday, and  Friday

Weekday Minyan - M/W @ noon (zoom)

This is our weekday opportunity to pray, support those who are in mourning and need to recite kaddish, and to check in with the community.

The minkha service is short; it includes Ashrei, a silent weekday Amidah, Takhanun when applicable, and Aleinu.

Book: We use the daily siddur "By The Shore of a Western Sea." Contact Rabbi Ariel to request a copy or order directly here.

For services on other weekdays, see our list of community resources in the greater Portland area.

Erev Shabbat - Fridays @ sundown on zoom (time changes throughout the fall and winter)

Rabbi Ariel hosts an 18-minute candle lighting during the darkest weeks of the year to bring in Shabbat together. Whether you have lit candles every Friday night for years or this is your first time observing Shabbat in this way, you are welcome to join in for a quiet moment of celebration.

Erev Shabbat dinner (in person)

Once a month, we gather for erev Shabbat dinner, picnic style, COVID-19 precautions permitting. Check the website calendar for the next opportunity to spend erev Shabbat with Jewish community.

The Commons hosts a regular rotation of other Erev Shabbat observances open to all; check the EJC calendar for updates.

About online-only services

When COVID levels are elevated in Multnomah county or in case of ice and snow, the staff at Shir Tikvah may direct our Shabbat morning services to take place in an online-only format if it is not safe to gather in person. The calendar will indicate when this is the case.

Our philosophy for zoom-only Shabbat services centers around the concept of davvening "individually together." (See the Takkanah below for more information about the halakhic basis for this philosophy.) Though we are in our separate homes, we endeavor to create a sense of true companionship, and to support one another through this difficult time. Our online gathering is an intentionally welcoming space, so if you're a new or infrequent participant, don't be shy about joining.

We have adapted our minhag (customs) with great thoughtfulness for coronavirus times, striving to find meaningful connection through our davvening online. Our weekly Shabbat morning services are participatory, not live-streamed from a mostly-empty building; each of us, including those leading services, is joining from home. Both lay leaders and clergy contribute to leading prayers, chanting Torah (from a chumash when on Zoom) and Haftarah, and offering a d'var. At the conclusion of the service, we each bring our wine or grape juice and hallah to the zoom, and take a few minutes to check in with one another over kiddush.

Additional Reading and Resources

During the time of Covid-19:
  - A Prayer for Healing (newly added to the 4th edition of our siddur)
  - A Takkanah (rabbinical ruling for extraordinary circumstances)

For general ongoing learning:
  - Learn more about the Shabbat Prayer Ritual at My Jewish Learning
  - Jewish Literacy with Rabbi Ariel: 613 Questions and Counting, an interactive blog

Tue, October 22 2024 20 Tishrei 5785