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When the ancient Israelites came together to build the mishkan, they gave freely from the heart. They each brought a piece of themselves to create a space for the Divine.

At Shir Tikvah, the members of our community build a version of this space: a place where we study, celebrate, and pray together.

We are teachers, artists, non-profit geeks, and health care practitioners. We are queer, straight, able-bodied and neuro-divergent. We're parents, students, new to Judaism and/or carrying baggage from Hebrew school. We welcome newcomers, lend a hand in the kitchen, and treat staff and each other with respect. Membership dues (along with volunteer hours and additional donations) make it possible for us to do the vital work of educating our children and observing the mitzvot.

Together, we are building a shared Jewish future, in which each contributes a fair amount. It's a very old idea that seems radical in these times.   

At Shir Tikvah, we take pains to balance our financial needs with the Jewish values of community and diversity. We are very proud of our Fair Share Dues policy, a sliding scale which recognizes the dignity of each community member. We don't ask for your tax returns. We don't sell tickets for High Holy Days. We contribute according to our ability and our means.  

We pro-rate dues for anyone joining mid-year. 


If you are a current member, wishing to Renew your Membership, please go here

Dues pledges should be recalculated each year. 
The beginning of our new fiscal year is July 1.

Fair Share Dues Structure  - See our NEW Dues Calculator

 Up to $40,000 
Dues are 1% of a household's adjusted gross income.

Dues are 2% of a household's adjusted gross income, with a cap of $4000.

Keren Zeriyah (Seed) Fund:
An additional investment over the first 3 years of membership, based on the same sliding scale and equal to your first full year's dues commitment.


What the Sliding Scale Looks Like:
David Malka has an adjusted gross income of $60,000/year. He pays $1,200 in dues (2% of $60,000) and $400 in KZ (1/3 of $1,200) for his first three years of membership. 

J.C. Otley has an adjusted gross income of $12,000/year. They pay $120 in dues (1% or $12,000) and $40 in KZ (1/3 of $120) for the first three years of their membership. 


Lack of funds should never be a barrier. 

We say it and we mean it. We have funds that enable us to be flexible, especially during times of economic downturn. You can self-adjust your dues using the Dues Calculator to determine amount of subsidy needed


Associate Membership

If you have a primary home in another congregation, but would like to support Congregation Shir Tikvah as well, we welcome you.

As an Associate Member, we would enjoy having you to join us for Torah Study, Shabbat and many of our celebrations. We’ll list you in our Member Directory. If you’d like to volunteer for one of our committees or join in on our social justice projects, your work there would be appreciated. 

It is understood that major life cycle events and the holidays of Rosh Hashanah, Yom Kippur and Passover will be celebrated with your home congregation. Full membership is required for participation in our Nashira Education Program.

We work with families individually to identify a specific contribution level, and you will make no payments into our Keren Zeriyah (Seed Fund.) If you decide at a later time to switch to full membership with our shul, we will re-evaluate your dues and Keren Zeriyah commitments.

If you would like to explore Associate Membership at Shir Tikvah, contact the office.


Because our fiscal year begins on July 1, new members joining in June will not have any financial obligations until after its start. Fill out the membership form and do not prorate your dues!

Membership Form

Please fill out the information for the primary member. Staff will use this information to generate a basic account. We will then be able to provide you with a unique log-in that you can use to edit your profile, adding family members, yahrzeit information and more. 

Depending on time of year, this initial process may take several business days.  Payment is not due at this time.
If retired, what was your primary occupation?

Our fiscal year starts July 1st. If you are filling out this form in June, please enter "July 1."
Members of Congregation Shir Tikvah commit to the mitzvah of supporting the kehillah in line with our Fair Share policy. Upon joining, we obligate ourselves to the financial support of Shir Tikvah according to the following sliding scale schedule. See the Dues Calculator

Up to $40,000 
Dues are 1% of a household's adjusted gross income. 

Dues are 2% of a household's adjusted gross income, with a cap of $4,000.

This amount is a pledge, not an actual contribution due at this time. Once your account is created, office staff to confirm the amount, the method of payment and the timing of the payments before any amount is charged. Our fiscal year starts in July - contributions will be prorated for new members joining after that time.
In addition to the yearly Fair Share dues, we ask new members to contribute to our Keren Zeriyah (Seed) Fund. This fund is dedicated to capital expenditures and long-term investments in Shir Tikvah's future. It is the equivalent of a member's total yearly pledge, payable over 3 years. (For example, if the yearly pledge is $1200, the KZ payment for one year would be $400.)
This amount is equal to your total full year's pledge. One-third of it is due each year. You will be contacted by our office staff to confirm before it is charged. 
See the Dues Calculator to determine amount of subsidy needed.
A single lump sum at the beginning of the fiscal year (July) saves Shir Tikvah the most on processing fees. 
If your payments are monthly, automatic payments from a checking account or by credit card save Shir Tikvah the most on processing fees. 


In this community, we are all needed. Volunteers keep Shir Tikvah running. Giving a few hours of your time here and there not only strengthens our community, it’s a fun and easy way to get to know others here. Here are descriptions of our most active groups. 

Hesed: Kindness

Our Hesed group helps provide the emotional and physical support needed when members experience a hardship in life. Visiting the sick, running errands, providing meals, transportation, writing letters, or even making phone calls are great ways to help our members in need.

Tefilah (Prayer and Ritual) Committee

This Committee educates our members about Jewish prayer and ritual practice, develops our prayer books, and supports our congregational prayer and ritual life.

Kesher Committee

This Committee welcomes new members, and often acts as ushers and greeters at our numerous events. Kesher folks work with new members to help them become familiar with the Shir Tikvah family and our minhagim (traditions).

Education Committee
This committee meets periodically with the Education Director to discuss programs and curriculum for the Nashira Project. Committee members are asked to share their viewpoints, expertise and to volunteer at events when possible. Folks with experience in special education (either lived or professional) are especially welcome.

K’vod haMeyt Cemetery Committee

This Committee partners with Congregations P’nai Or and Kol Shalom in maintaining our cemetery, and it takes the lead in the mitzvot of helping to bury the dead and comfort the bereaved. This committee is currently full and is not accepting new members.

Check the boxes below to be contacted by the head of these committees for more information. 

Interests and Talents

Are there any skills you'd be willing to share or interests you'd particularly like to explore?  Answering this brief survey will help us plan future programming and match volunteers more effectively. You can also feel free to ask questions of anyone you see in the kitchen, moving furniture or greeting folks at the door - we'd be happy for the help. 


Tue, October 22 2024 20 Tishrei 5785