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High Holy Days Information 5785


Sign-Up for High Holy Days Prayer Gatherings

To ensure safety and comfort on Rosh HaShanah and Yom Kippur, please note:

  1. It is a mitzvah to help each other be healthy. We require Covid-19 vaccination for attendance in person; masks are not mandatory but are encouraged.
  2. Because of security concerns, attendance at services requires registration. Members, please indicate whether you will be joining us as soon as possible so that we will know how many guests we can welcome. 

RSVP for High Holy Day services:
Prayer Gathering Signup

Important Links:

Schedule of services

Volunteer Sign-up

Purchase a Makhzor

Sign-up for Break-the-Fast!

Sign-up for Childcare (free, age 5+, potty trained only, please)

Make a donation: Matching Grant and Oregon Food Bank

Zoom Link for all Hybrid HHD Services

Zoom link for  Yom Kippur afternoon Hybrid Yoga, Sat, Oct 12, 2pm


Street parking is limited. On evenings and weekends you may use the lot located at 25th and Sandy. See map of parking areas. Carpooling is encouraged. If you have limited mobility, a drop-off area will be available curbside near the front door.

Taking public transit is a mitzvah! Tri-Met bus 12 goes up and down Sandy Blvd, our stop is #5066. The 12 runs between the Parkrose Transit Center (~200 parking spaces, 22 min. from Shir Tikvah) and the Barbur Transit Center (~400 parking spaces, 32 min. from Shir Tikvah). Regular adult fare is $2.80, much more affordable than Uber or Lyft! Fare payment info

Sign-Up to Bring a Gluten-Free Hallah

are you gluten free or can you help accomodate those who are by bringing a gluten free hallah either on Rosh HaShanah or to the Yom Kippur Break Fast?

Gluten Free Hallah Signup

Sukkot 5785 

As we prepare for the High Holy Days we also remember to order our arba’ah minim, lulav and etrog set, for Sukkot.

Shir Tikvah will have a set available to say the blessings over at Sukkot morning Tefilah October 17.

If you ordered a lulav set, let us know if we can get it for you to pick up at our Sukkah raising on Sunday October 13 at 3pm.


Sukkah Raising at Leikam Brewery

Sunday, Oct 13, 3pm
5812 E Burnside St. 

Join Rabbi Ariel for Sukkah raising at Leikam Brewing, Oregon's first kosher brewery. Even if it's raining, we'll be putting up the sukkah and adding schach to the roof! Bring some branches if you have them! Special crafts for children...vegan food truck on site...we look forward to seeing you there!!!


Sukkot Day 1 and Yizkor
IN-PERSON ONLY - NOTE: Office closed Oct 17, 18
Thurs, Oct 17, 9am

Erev Shabbat & Sukkot Picnic
@ Leikam Brewery, 5812 E Burnside St, 97215
Fri, Oct 18, 6:30 PM
Bring a picnic dinner to enjoy as we welcome Shabbat Sukkot and celebrate the harvest together. Great Kosher beer, but no food available for purchase. If your harvest has been abundant, please bring some to share with others.
Click HERE to register


Shabbat Sukkot
Sat, Oct 19, Hybrid
Usual Shabbat times and Zoom links


Shir Tikvah Annual Meeting
Sun, Oct 20, 10:30am, Hybrid


Simkhat Torah Celebration
IN-PERSON ONLY - NOTE: Office closed Oct 24 & 25
Thurs, Oct 24, 6:30 PM

See the end and the beginning, and the whole Torah out at once! Bring snacks and beverages for yourself and others. Ingredient signs appreciated. BYOB.
Click HERE to Register

Sun, February 16 2025 18 Shevat 5785